This final week was nice. On Monday we got a phone call from Gisselle saying that she had decided to take one more week off from work, which means that we got to see her again everyday! Wahoo! Well we went and saw her in the evening and made sure she was all the way ready for her baptismal interview which was going to be the next day. Tuesday came around and she was interviewed! She passed and was good to go for Sunday! While we were at her home we received a phone call from a senior couple asking if we wanted to go out and have lunch. Well of course I was not going to say no to such an offer. It was nice, we had Burger King. Well shortly after that we had a good lunch with the Hodlin family here in May Pen. While out teaching we got caught in a huge rainstorm and ended up all muddy and nasty. Which was really great for Mama-P (our land lady) since we were going to her house to have dinner. Dinner was great! I feel sort of bad for having dragged so much mud into her home. In the evening we had a final farewell dessert at the Sterling's home and that was it. My time as a missionary was over.
Wednesday I went to Kingston. Elder and Sister Flake kindly took us to their home where we got to eat a great lunch and eventually made our way to the office. The Flakes are great! I will miss them. Got to the mission home in the evening and had a great dinner. It was a lot of fun to see Elder Allen again. I always enjoy talking to him. President Hendricks interviewed us all and then we had our final testimony meeting thingy. It was really nice. I had already attended many in the past, but it was nice to know that this one was mine. Elder and Sister Herbert came too! It was great to see them one last time before I flew out.
Thursday Morning Pres. Hendricks took me to the Airport and let me go. I will miss the Hendricks. They are an amazing couple. I am thankful that I got to serve under their leadership. Well flying was long. Got to the airport around 5:15 am and didn't get to Salt Lake till 8:30 pm. Got out in Salt Lake and went and met with my family! It was great! So good to see everyone again! It was very cold. While flying they announced that it was a warmer day, at -2 C!!! AH! I haven't had anything close to that for 2 years ha.
Drove home and got released. It is an odd feeling finally being done. The next few days were good. Lots of family and friends. On Sunday I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. I think it went over very well. I liked the talk. Sis. Childs a native Jamaican who lives in my ward here in Orem also spoke, so that was sort of fun, a themed sacrament meeting. Todd Tanner, Ben Stevens, The McGraths, Joshua white, and the Cheesmans were all there from the mission. It was a lot of fun to see all of them again!
It is pretty amazing to me how anticlimactic coming home is. Things are just so normal. Life is the same as it has always been. It is nice to be home and be with family and friends. I will miss Jamaica. I loved my mission, it was an amazing experience. I am eternally thankful for the opportunity I had to serve the people there. I have learned a lot and will cherish the memories I have had for the rest of my life.
I will attach a few pictures here before I close this out.
Well Thanks for following my mission experience. It has been great being able to share it with everyone. Hopefully it was somewhat amusing. I love my mission, it was great. I am glad I served.
Bradford Kent Talbert