Well it was great to talk to you all yesterday. I had a smile on my face for the rest of the afternoon. I only got 5/7 pictures mother. I didn't get the food bank or the mall singing ones that you mentioned. Looks like Christmas was a lot of fun. We had a good time here in Kingston. Thanks again for the Christmas gifts, I really liked them and that cube still amazes me!Haha!
Yesterday after talking to you we watched a new church movie about John Tanner (E. Tanner ancestor). Good movie, worth a watch. Called like Treasures in Heaven or something like that. I would Suggest it. I then messed around with airplane flights with president and got that all worked out and now I know who my new companion is-..Elder Stevens! He was my guess all along but I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong. In case, for some random reason the name doesn't sound familiar, he was my trainer that I already served with for 3 months. I will be serving with him for another 5-11 weeks. We had a really good time the first round and I am excited to serve with him again. His flight lands in Kingston at like 3pm today or something like that, he got on the wrong flight somehow (didn't even know that was possible) so his schedule is crazy.
After we left the cheesmans yesterday we went home and E. Emery packed up all his bags and what not. I sat around and caught up on my journal and listened to conference talks. Thanks again for the CD's. ¾ people in our house got them for Christmas! Haha. E. Tanner got some really good CD's also. Some 4 disc set of the Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith. I am excited to listen to them and might have to acquire them if they are good. Not much else happened for the rest of the day. E. Emery just got ready and I just relaxed. Pres. Graff, for Christmas, gave every missionary a book of mormon (just the typical ones that we hand out everyday) but gave us a special challenge with it. He asked that we go through and read it marking all the words spoken by Jesus Christ (which I already did once 6 months ago) but then he asked us to keep this one special and only mark what he asked us to. He wants us to read that copy once a year. He said at Easter he will give us further instruction on what to do with our book of mormon. But for now just read it and mark the words of the savior. I am excited to get started on that again. Last week I started the BoM again but I am only in Nephi 18 so starting over won't be that hard.
Ummm-hmmm-..I don't know what else to say. I got a lot said yesterday during our phone call. Things are going great. I can't believe that it is nearly 2010. To cause us great confusion at our house we currently have 5 phones for 3 missionaries. So frequently we will be talking on one and another will ring. It was funny yesterday when E. Emery was left in charge of 3 phones and they all rang and he was attempting to hold down 3 conversations. Made me laugh. I was driving and therefore incapable of assisting. Well I am going to now look through some pictures and attach what I find to be pleasing. My memory cards are nearly full. But I will just put it all onto a DVD soon and clear off my cards.
Some pictures I am going to attach. One is of Elder and sister cheesman with santa. Sis. Graff was in the way, but still a decent picture.
A next picture is of a dry erase board that had the brackets of our basketball tournament, the real reason for this picture is the mud in the background. The big tire marks in the mud are from me. I was driving up and I saw 2 little cars parked at the side, a giant mud field and tire marks in the mud. So I assumed it was from the cars and that if the cars made it through the mud wasn't really to deep or that bad. I figured that the truck could easily make it through. I hit the mud and lost all traction. I just sat there and slung mud everywhere slowly inching around in a half circle like motion. It was fun and from that point on when anybody would show up we would quickly tell them to stop driving before they hit the inconveniently placed mud field.
The third and last photo is that of the portmore chapel with some missionaries leaving the chapel. This was taken right after district meeting.
Alright, well I am running out of time and out of things to say. I hope that Idaho is great. Thanks for everything. Happy new year. I love you all!
Elder Talbert